We are thrilled to announce the creation of a ground-breaking Research Centre dedicated to driving transformative advancements in foresight, innovation, and sustainable research. Under the leadership of Dr. Rafael Popper, a renowned visionary in the field, the new Centre for Foresight and Internationalisation (CFI) aims to revolutionize the way we connect, innovate, and transfer knowledge.
The new Research Centre (TP-CFI) will focus on three core strategic objectives aimed to empower the Polish research and innovation (R&I) community through a wide range of forward- and outward-looking solutions.
SO1) Connecting People.
By promoting effective partnerships and collaborations, the Centre will foster a vibrant ecosystem of collective intelligence. It will stimulate mobility across national and international boundaries, facilitating the exchange of ideas and expertise. Furthermore, the Centre aims to build and consolidate bridges with key foresight and innovation communities, fostering a united front for progress.
SO2) Boosting Responsible and Sustainable Research and Innovation (R&I).
The Centre will be at the forefront of creating strategic intelligence on emerging and future technologies and markets. Through systematic horizon scanning and foresight, it will develop responsible and sustainable visions, strategies, and action roadmaps. Additionally, the Centre will meticulously map critical technologies, competencies, skills, and behaviours necessary to excel in the ever-evolving landscape of research and innovation.
SO3) Accelerating Knowledge Transfer.
Recognizing the paramount importance of knowledge dissemination, the Centre will actively accelerate the internationalization-driven commercialization of intellectual property, spin-offs, and start-ups. It will foster a conducive environment for collaborative and contract research projects, thereby boosting the number and quality of international initiatives. The Centre will organize and support networking and professional development events, empowering individuals and organizations to stay ahead of the curve.
Dr. Rafael Popper, a highly respected thought leader, is perfectly poised to lead this ambitious endeavour. His expertise, combined with the passion and dedication of our team, will create a vibrant and dynamic hub for cutting-edge research and innovation.
The establishment of TP-CFI signifies a pivotal moment in our collective journey towards a better future. We invite academics, researchers, industry leaders, and policymakers from across Poland and the globe to join us in this transformative venture. Together, we will shape a brighter tomorrow through visionary thinking, sustainable practices, and collaborative efforts.